Lustau Puerto Fino Sherry 375ml


A very dry sherry, light and smooth, with just a hint of the sea, and attractive fruit. Very fresh, with a slight taste of tangy yeast. Matured in the cool, humid, salty air of the port town of El Puerto de Santa Maria. The location of the Lustau bodegas in the center of town provide perfect conditions for the aging of the best Finos in the Sherry area. The Puerto Fino has a style and consistency to the wine that is all it’s own. The average age of the wine in the Solera is 6 years old.

Tasting note

Robert Parker: "A brilliant sherry from Lustau, the dry, austere, intensely flavorful non-vintage Puerto Fino exhibits a light green/amber color as well as notes of crushed sea shells, hazelnuts, and spice. This is a top-notch Fino to consume over the next year."

ABV: 15% 
Volume: 375ml
Country: Spain