- Gin - the better the gin, the better your Negroni
- Campari - or any orange aperitif (Aperol makes a more sweet version)
- Sweet vermouth (red/rosso) - again, the better the better
- An Orange - We don't sell those, so steal one from your neighbour's tree

The Best Homemade Negroni Cocktail Recipe - Easy Tiger
The next stage in this renaissance, is the realisation that a Negroni doesn't need to cost $18 and be prepared by a bow-tied mixologist - it's actually incredibly simple to make at home.
So how do you make the perfect homemade Negroni?
What you'll need
Add 1 shot (30ml) each of your Gin, Campari and Sweet Vermouth to a mixing glass filled with ice, and stir in circles until well-chilled - 30 laps around the glass is a good rule of thumb.
Strain your concoction into the prettiest glass at hand, over a large ice cube (or 3 or 4 boring ice cubes).
Garnish with a twisted orange peel - Actually a lot easier than it looks, just run a small knife along the skin of the orange for a couple of inches, then twist it into a spiral.
Easy huh.